速報APP / 教育 / Night Zookeeper VR Writing Adventures

Night Zookeeper VR Writing Adventures



檔案大小:160.3 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Night Zookeeper VR Writing Adventures(圖1)-速報App

Night Zookeeper VR is the first VR experience in the world to take children inside a traditional children's story. Based on Joshua Davidson's 'Night Zookeeper and the Spying Giraffes' children become the Night Zookeeper and ride on the back of his trusty companion Sam the Spying Giraffe, through the Night Zoo! After a magical journey they are challenged to write their own adventure on the Night Zookeeper website.

Requires iPhone 5 or above.

Night Zookeeper VR Writing Adventures(圖2)-速報App


• Live the story: Ride on a giraffe's back, visit the Elephant Temple and see Honeyton!

Night Zookeeper VR Writing Adventures(圖3)-速報App

• Write your own: Be inspired to write your own adventure.

• Listen: Listen as the Night Zookeeper guides you around the Night Zoo.

Night Zookeeper VR Writing Adventures(圖4)-速報App

• In Class: Use as writing inspiration in your class

We advise that children are supervised during use by a responsible adult. To fully enjoy this app you'll need a VR headset. Learn more and get your own Cardboard viewer at http://g.co/cardboard. Share your experience through the Google+ community at http://g.co/cardboarddevs or tweet @nightzookeeper

Night Zookeeper VR Writing Adventures(圖5)-速報App

Do not use this app while driving, walking, or otherwise by being distracted or disoriented from real world situations that prevent you from obeying traffic or safety laws.
